Organizational Development & Training
or·ga·ni·za·tion·al de·vel·op·ment & train·ing
/ˌȯr-gə-nə-ˈzā-shnəl di-ˈve-ləp-mənt / & /ˈtrāniNG /
Systems change achieved through a shift in communication processes or their supporting structure.

Team Development
Teams with common aims, shared values, explicit norms/agreements, and clear expectations fare better than those without. We help teams develop these characteristics, to build trust, and to manage conflict so they can better communicate, motivate, and collaborate.
We offer tailored, long-term engagements, as well as topic-specific workshops such as those listed below:
- Leading with Purpose – Motivation & Engagement
- We’re in This Together – Delegation & Empowerment
- Two-Way Communication – Skills for Leaders
- How to Run an Effective Meeting – Teamwork
- Crisis Communication – Before, During & After
One-on-One Leadership Coaching
The best leaders are always improving. We’re here to serve as a resource and accountability partner in that process. We help new leaders make the transition into management. We help struggling leaders build skills and repair relationships. And we help seasoned leaders take their organizations to the next level.

Public Relations Workshops
Public relations is first and foremost about relationships. Think about what your work means to your clients. If you’re a banker, be reliable. If you represent a fashion brand, be stylish. If you’re in the tech industry, embrace your inner nerd–the more tape on your glasses the better.
We teach you how to tell your story to build relationships with your key audiences. We also help you understand the digital tools that make it easier than ever to share your story across the digital landscape.
Classes include:
- The Basics – PR for Dummies
- Getting Your Press Release Published
- Find Your Peeps – PR Through Partnership
- PR Tools: social media, video content, SEO, and copywriting
Communication Training
We’ve yet to meet a client who couldn’t benefit from improved communication. This first step is discovering how your needs and those of your audiences intersect. Then it’s all about messaging and mechanics. We are happy to provide custom workshops to address specific challenges or to cover one of our popular topics below.
- Business-Writing Bootcamp, from Emails to Proposals and More
- How to Recognize Your Own Blindspots so They Don’t Get in Your Way
- Giving and Receiving Difficult News
- The Magic of Thank You Notes

Blog Writing Workshops
Writing a column or a blog is one of the best ways to improve your public image.
- It establishes you as a leader in your field.
- It allows you to educate people about the value of your product/service.
- It reinforces your brand.
- It is a brilliant tool for increasing your online presence (search engines love blogs).
We take you through the whole process, step by step.