Mendocino Coast Clinics Website

Mendocino Coast Clinics (MCC) needed a website that loaded quickly, displayed well on mobile devices, could be translated from English to Spanish, was easy to navigate, and most importantly represented not only the depth and breadth of services but also the compassionate, community-centered culture of the organization. The old website felt generic and focused too much on the geography of Fort Bragg (the coastline is stunning, which made for a pretty website, but MCC offers healthcare, not coastal vacations). The website needed to highlight the services and the people who make the health center such a warm and welcoming place. It also needed to balance MCC’s desire to recruit high-quality providers by showcasing the health center’s impressive quality scores and Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) accreditation with its desire to reflect how deeply embedded it is in its blue-collar, fisherman’s community.

We worked with them to feature the coast on the homepage, but to use pictures of MCC staff and facilities everywhere else, no stock art. We used a template-based site with some custom programming upgrades to keep the cost down and still provide a robust site.


Mendocino Coast Clinics


Mendocino Coast Clinic needed a professional easy-to-navigate for patients to feel confident and informed in their healthcare needs, while keeping the welcoming and local feel that MCC embraces.


The new MCC website guides visitors through clear pathways allowing them to access the information they seek in a clear and concise way.


MCC’s patient visits increased and Executive Director Lucresha Renteria said colleagues from many community organizations commented on the great work MCC is doing.